Most Expensive Magazine

The Cost Of the Most Expensive Honey in the World of 2022

most expensive honey

most expensive honey

If you’re looking for something sweet to put on your toast in the morning, you might want to think about how much honey you want to buy. This article takes a look at the world of honey in 2022 and what consumers can expect when it comes to the cost of this delicious treat.

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Top 5 Most Expensive Honey List:

#1. Herbesan Manuka Honey IAA 18+  -$2275 Per Kilo

Herbesan Manuka Honey IAA 18+

The most expensive honey in the world is Herbesan Manuka Honey IAA 18+. This honey is produced from the nectar of the New Zealand Manuka Blossom. The honey is said to have a number of positive effects on human health, including promoting better skin health, aiding in weight loss and preventing inflammation.

However, the cost of this honey is $2275 per kilogram. This means that it is more than three times the cost of regular honey. Therefore, if you are looking for a high-quality honey with a wide range of health benefits, Herbesan Manuka Honey IAA 18+ should be your choice.

#2. Sour Honey  -$1465 Per Kilo

Sour Honey

Sour honey is one of the most expensive types of honey in the world. It is made from honey that has been infected with sour rot. The cost of sour honey is high because it takes a lot of time and effort to make it.

Sour honey is used in various foods and beverages, including beer, wine, tonic water, and cocktails. It is also used as a flavoring agent in foods, such as cheese and yogurt.

Sour honey is difficult to store and transport because it tends to spoil quickly. Therefore, it is usually only available in limited quantities.

The high cost of sour honey may be due to its unique flavor or the fact that it takes a lot of time and effort to make it.

#3. Tualang black honey -$500  Per Kilo

Tualang black honey

The cost of the most expensive honey in the world is Tualang black honey. Tualang honey is made from nectar collected from the Tualang tree, which is only found in a small area in Central Java, Indonesia.

Tualang honey is prized for its unique flavor and dark color. It is also considered to be one of the most healthful honeys on the market due to its high levels of antioxidants and minerals.

The price of Tualang honey varies depending on the season and location. In general, it costs around $500 per kilo. This makes it one of the most expensive honey on the market, but it also represents a high quality product.

#4. Authentic Yemen Sidr Honey -$285  Per Kilo

Authentic Yemen Sidr Honey

Yemeni Sidr Honey is the most expensive honey in the world, fetching up to $285 per kilo. Sidr honey is a pure and natural product that comes from the nectars of the wildflower called sidra in Yemen. Sidr honey is considered to be one of the world’s finest honeys because of its unique properties.

Sidr honey has a light amber color with a slightly nutty flavor and a very delicate sweetness. It is also very fragrant and has a floral aroma. Sidr honey is used in many different types of dishes, including sweet deserts, savory curries, and desserts.

The popularity of Yemeni Sidr Honey has led to an increase in its price over the past few years. The reason for this is that there is limited supply of this type of honey, which has made it more valuable than other types of honey.

If you are looking for a luxurious treat that will add some extra spice to your life, then you should try Yemeni Sidr Honey. It is sure to satisfy your cravings!

#5. Domestic acacia honey -$195  Per Kilo

Domestic acacia honey

Honey is a sweetener that has been used for centuries around the world. Acacia honey is a type of honey that is derived from the acacia tree. Acacia honey is one of the most expensive types of honey in the world.

The cost of acacia honey is $195 per kilo. This is more than twice the price of regular honey, which costs $108 per kilo. Acacia honey is also more expensive than other types of honey, such as wildflower or orange blossom honey.

Why is acacia honey so expensive? Acacia honey is a natural product that is derived from a tree. It takes more time to produce acacia honey than regular honey. Additionally, it takes longer for acacia honey to crystallize. crystallized means that the sugar molecules have been organized into small crystals. This process makes acacia honey more difficult to extract and process.

Despite its high price, acacia honey may be worth it for some people. It has a unique flavor that some people find desirable. Additionally, acacia honey can be used in many different food products and recipes.


Honey is a versatile ingredient that can be used in many different recipes. However, some honeys are more expensive than others. If you’re looking to add honey to your diet but don’t want to spend too much money, we’ve put together a list of the most expensive honey bottles on the market. Whether you’re looking for quality honey or just want to try something new, these bottles will have your wallet singing “happy days!”

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